Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Creative Minds

I read somewhere that creative minds tended to be messy. Or maybe that is highly intelligent minds. Looking around I must be a freaking creative genius! Seriously though - I need to organize. I get completely overwhelmed when my home and studio/office are a mess. I have broken most of my rules of working at home and right now seem to be flying by the seat of my pants. Always promising  I will get everything done (like I'm freaking Wonder Woman - or something).

Anyway - here I am in the midst of a mess trying to make sense of it all. The chaos has to remain for now. Balancing my life and work is tricky but even so I am feeling like I have figured out how to work through it.

I have a strong desire to create. It can be anything from sculpting to planting flowers in a garden. At times I tear myself apart and end up doing nothing because I want to do everything at once. Fries the brain. Lately I have been playing with Prismacolor Pencils at night while I watch TV and during the day focusing on my dolls. This is working for me... for now. I feel satisfied that I can express myself in new ways. I have this beautiful set of pencils I never play with so I am having fun learning how to use them. It keeps me sharp and focused. I know dolls so well that sometimes I need a challenge. But don't get me wrong... just painting on that tiny scale is a challenge every day. But sometimes you see something different in another medium and it helps you grow as an artist.

Here are a few of the pieces I have done recently with colored pencils.

I'm a face person at heart. Right now is just practice time with colors, shading, blending, etc...

On the doll front I just finished up The Hunger Games trio...